Newborough Village Hall Trustees are seeking to recruit a Caretaker/Cleaner. Please see detatils attached.
New for Newborough in February
Fireworks at Newborough Village Hall
The persons who hired the Village Hall last night were responsible for letting off fireworks in the village hall car park. This is in direct contravention of the hire agreement, which states that "Fireworks are not allowed" We will be following this up with action. In the mean-time will residents who were disturbed, disrupted and angry by the hirers reckless actions, please accept our deepest regret and we can only apologise sincerely on behalf of the inconsiderate behaviour of a minority.
Village Hall Annex completed
The trustees of Newborough Village Hall are pleased to announce that the annex construction work has now been completed. Princebuild handed over the keys for the new annex on Friday 24th May, on schedule.
We would like to show our appreciation to all of our clients who have been supportive and patient whilst the building work has been undertaken.
The defibrillator is now accessible again should the unfortunate occasion arise where it is needed.
The annex will ensure that the hall has much more flexibility in its use and hope to attract many more village organisations both new and old. It will be an asset for the village for decades to come.
Anyone wanting to start a group, such as; Mums and toddlers, coffee groups etc. Please contact the booking secretary.
We will be planning a coffee morning in the near future and invite you to come and have a look around the new annex.
Newborough Outreach Post Office is back
All the new equipment has been checked and confirmed it is working ok. We have the pleasure to announce that the Post Office will resume at Newborough Village Hall from Thursday 8th August 2024 from 10am till 1pm.
All usual Post Office facilities will be available including cash from your bank card.
Post Office entrance will be the temporary entrance to the side of the hall. This will be a weekly service.
Newborough is now developing a Neighbourhood Plan. The steering group is exactly what it is, it purpose is to collate your ideas, views and vision of what Newborough needs and wants to develop over the next 15 years and collate these into a recognised plan format. In March you will be asked to complete a survey which will guide the steering group in the direction of travel you want. It is your village and your views matter. For more information please follow the Newborough and Borough Fen Neighbourhood Plan Facebook page and dedicated website;
For Newborough Village plan:
For Newborough Village plan facebook page;
If the link does not open then cut and paste into your web browser.
Bingo 2024
Bingo dates for 2024 are;
20th December
We appreciate that many businesses have changed their working approach and maybe not having staff into office buildings permanently.
If you need some quiet working space we have some limited availability in our Foresters Room. We have good lighting, WiFi and Kitchen use available.
Hot Desk hire is available
on Monday Afternoon 1.15pm - 5pm.
Tuesday and Wednesday Afternoons 2.30pm - 5pm.
Cost is £10 for the afternoon.
For more information or to book please contact newboroughvillagehall@outlook.com
Charity Commission Registration Number 302651
For the purpose of the general public to hire the hall for private & public events