Show report
It was a pretty good year considering the very hot dry summer. With things like tomatoes and flowers at a record level. However a lot of things were noticeably down on previous years. We didn’t have one cabbage shown and the runner beans were nowhere near long enough.
Entries were good but were sadly mainly from garden club members only with very few of the village community taking part. Something we are looking to improve on next year.
As usual the show was finished off with the prize presentation, this year by councillor John Fox and then the auctioning of all the produce. The raffle attracted the most interest with some great prizes from local businesses.
Sadly this year we had three more presentations to Geoff Carter, Judy Jakes and Eva Belson, as they stood down from the Village show sub committee. The garden club and the community joined in to thank them for all their hard work and effort to produce the show over many years.
Personally I would like to extend great thanks to all those involved on the day to make it the success it was and to all those in the community that came along in the afternoon to support this wonderful village tradition.
Sharon Smith
Newborough & Borough Fen Garden club
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